36 Yarra Park Drive,Sebastopol
Conveniently located within a short drive to all amenities this 3 bedroom home has all the conveniences for year round comfort.
- 3 bedrooms all with built in robes
- Shared bathroom with seperate bath from shower
- Generously sized open plan kitchen/meals/living area
- Gas central heating and split system cooling
- Kitchen featuring gas cooking, dishwasher and an abundance of storage options
- Single lock up garage with direct access into the home
- Low maintenance rear yard, fully enclosed for convenience and privacy
Please note: Whilst we are excited to welcome you to our open home inspections, you will need to register before arriving, be double vaccinated and have a copy of your certificate available for inspection. Masks are currently required inside and you will be asked to sanitise before entering. If you are unvaccinated or do not wish to disclose your vaccination status, please contact our agent for a private inspection.
0499 611 0210499 611 021